Sunday, February 18

Vector's Chai latte

the recipe for this can be found at
pretty easy to make as vector accomplished this with little assistance

Scalded Balls: A very smooth concoction in both texture and flavor, very nice bouquet, personnelly not a big latte fan.

For one kg of this tea i would trade one large bag of lawn clippings.

This, although a fine drink, is not worthy of ball dipping, mostly because it just not a ball dipping type drink.

Dr. Capitalism: Very nice - it was milky and sweet and pleasantly if mildly spiced.

For a kilo of Vector's concoction I would trade a cd featuring 600 accountants humming the theme songs to 70s-era television dramas. And a plum.

My balls would be tempted by this tea, but would refrain. I feel that milk would be unpleasant to remove from the human sac if allowed to dry.

The Anatomically Disadvantaged Reviewer: A symphony for the senses!

For a kilo of this sweet, sweet deliciousness, I would gladly hand over 27 B-grade Bollywood movies in beta format.

If I had balls, I wouldn't pollute this delightful concoction with them. However, worthy of note: were I to inadvertently injure my would-be-balls with a spicy, capsaicin-based product (e.g. hot sauce), the milk proteins in this lovely tea would offer the would-be-balls exceptional relief.

vector: My first Chai Time. Roughly followed a recipe from

The honey I used has a strong wild flowery tastes and that's mainly what dominated the palette. It smelled awesome in the kitchen while it was being made. In the future, I would allow more time for the spices to infuse.

I would trade fisticuffs for a kilo, but would not dip my balls in this particular rendition.

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