Monday, February 12

Sea Dyke Brand Fujian Oolong Tea

The Sea Dyke brand name was the major attractors because, well, SEA DYKE is just great, and it had a bright yellow box. (We are a simple folk)

This is a pleasant blend of black and green tea flavours, mostly leaning toward the green side of the house. It is a bright, rich colour that is also very pleasing.

I would trade an equal weight of rusty nails for quantities of this tea.

Although a very nice brew, I would not dip my balls in it.

Dr Capitalism: The tea bag floated around on top for a very long time, which was faintly disturbing. Aside from this, a lovely tea, like unto green tea with a vaguely fruity undertone. It was a bit bitter toward the end, but wah, wah who cares.

I would trade a medium-rare mule flank steak with a side order of fried mushrooms for a kilo of this tea. Plus one sea dyke.

I would float my balls around in this tea.

Scalded Balls: The first bit was strickedly to flush the sleepy cat from my mouth and may have placed a hairball square in the middle of my first impression. Overall a very nice blend moderate body with no strong after taste. The type of mild non-craziness one might feed the Queen if she arrived spontaneously upon ones doorstep for High Tea

One Kilo of Sea Dyke Brand Oolong would certainly be worth a few of the local sea dykes to me how ever this is a navy town and the sea dykes are of only moderate quality and well used.

I would not bless this tea with my ball though i would willing rest a full mug comfortably upon my loins

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