Tuesday, May 1

Lipton South African Red

From the same line of pyramid-bag teas as Lipton's Sri Lankan Gold

Everyone was a bit tired at this point.

The Anatomically Disadvantaged Reviewer: This tea is indifferent on the way down and has an aftertaste like cough medicine, so I'd trade a bottle of expired cough syrup for a kilo.

vector: Tastes like hot water... smells flowery.

If you boiled popcorn it would smell like this and so I would trade a kilo of boiled popcorn for such.

Cronkwrong: Tastes worse than that time I sucked on Jules' toes. Like french-kissing a mule.

Sylver: This minty thingy whatever... sucks.

I'd trade all of an uncooperative Francophone coworker for a kilo.

Scalded Balls: Bitter. Reference my earlier Tetley article.

I'd trade 1/2 a kilo of bark mulch for a kilo of this.

Absolutely no balls

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