Given what was paid for this small yellow tin at the little store around the corner from us, we didn't have the highest of hopes for this tea. However, it amazed. Also, please welcome our newest reviewer: Captain DoYouKnowY? On a side note, it should be mentioned that with the weather warming our interests are waxing away from tea toward other somewhat more intoxicating beverages. Te reviewing will not stop but may slow some. = )
vector: This is normally one of my most favourite teas. I can't think of why it has taken us so long to do this review. Scalded Balls totally shanked this pot, though. For this he shall be sentenced to perform demeaning acts of public self-flagellation. When made properly, this tea has a nice delicate jasmine flavour that doesn't over-power the tea, and is amazingly refreshing.
I would trade nuclear arms for this stuff.
I would certainly sink my sack in this tea.
Captain DoYouKnowY?: Although subtle hints of jasmine remained in this fine cup of tea, it was overpowered by the not so subtle hint of over-steeped leaves..... given that I'm told this can be a nice tea, I would be willing to try it again if the preparation was left in more adept?....or perhaps capable? or maybe less pre-occupied? hands. = )
Tonight I would trade the left mate of my least favorite pair of socks. On a better night, I might be willing to trade both.
And as a result, based on tonight's taste, I would not dip my balls in it. Ask me again when I MAKE IT.
Scalded Balls: Normally this is one of my favorite tes however this evening it has been shanked superbly by myself. In spite of this it is still a great Te. It flows around the mouth with a smooth suppleness of a fine breast; though it is much too strong this evening it lacks the sharp bitterness of many black tes.
I would trade a TONNE of the smart-ass comments I hear from the likes of vector and Captain DoYouKnowY?, along with the associated riff-raff that they cavort with on a semi-daily basis for a kilo of this Te.
I would gladly bathe my balls in an unshanked cup of this tea and likely in the cup brewed today, if I hadn't drank it already.
Monday, June 4
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