Sunday, April 15

Four O'Clock Organic Fair Trade Earl Grey

Rejoice, oh sweet little harlots for we have returned from our journeys to the niether regions of the world, and are here to bless you in many ways. The Te list is updated there is a new and interesting section of useless Te satistics for the Symonds St. Te house.

But first: a review!

The Box says "Our Earl Grey tea is made from carefully selected black tea leaves from a small estate in blah blah blah...BOOORRINNNG

Scalded Balls: Verbose, though I am not. Exceptionally smooth and delicate when served in a .5L ampule once designated for olives (properly cleansed of course) superfluous to say the least.

I would trade one bound deaf mute for a kilo of this Te.

My balls would bask gently in the smooth aroma a fine liquids of this amber potion dream.

Dr. Capitalism: I quite liked this tea, which was a relief. I've had some bad luck with Earl grey in the past, due to the fact that it becomes absolutely disgusting if it gets too strong. This cup (honey jar, actually) was nice and black and delicious.

I would trade the journal of an avenging crusader for the liberation of deaf-mutes for a kilo of this tea.

If my balls ever need to be caffinated, this is where they'll turn.

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